Monday, November 26, 2012

From the first time I visited with then-First Lady Hillary Clinton in 1998, Guatemala's natural beauty and the warmth of its people, particularly the strength of its women despite many hardships, have left me with a special affinity for this Central American country. However, it has also long been a place rife with challenges. Even after the 1996 peace accords were signed to end the 36-year internal conflict, Guatemala has continued to struggle with malnutrition, poverty, corruption, organized crime, and high rates of violence against women.

Despite these challenges, my recent visit to the country has convinced me that Guatemala is beginning to address them, particularly gender-based violence (GBV) and other crimes. A big part of this change is due to women's leadership in key positions.

After a brief stop in Peru with Secretary Clinton, I had the opportunity to travel to Guatemala City and Antigua, where I met with government and civil society leaders to address GBV and discussed ways we can better collaborate to prevent, respond to and address this global scourge. As part of our efforts to stem GBV in Central America and create a more effective network of women leaders working to prevent and respond to GBV, I was proud to launch the new Mujeres Adelante ("Women Moving Forward") program, a collaboration with the Seattle International Foundation. Mujeres Adelante will bring emerging leaders from Central America to the United States for skill and capacity building. This will enable these leaders to raise awareness of and accountability for responding to GBV.

These networks and initiatives are vital to continuing the fight against GBV. And yet, as we have learned over the years, a strong civil society must be complemented by a government committed to addressing this violence -- from its root causes all the way to its devastating consequences. Under the leadership of women like Vice President Roxana Baldetti, former Supreme Court president Thelma Aldana and Attorney General Claudia Paz y Paz, as well as strong civil society leaders like Norma Cruz, who won an International Women of Courage award from the State Department in 2009 for her work leading Fundación Sobrevivientes, a shelter that helps rebuild women after brutal attacks, Guatemala is addressing impunity and making justice a reality.

During my visit, I met with Guatemala's president, Otto Perez Molina, who told me about the special courts his government has established to adjudicate cases of femicide -- the act of killing a woman simply because she is a woman -- and the work his government is doing to ensure that GBV is addressed on all fronts. "We can't leave women behind," he told me emphatically.

At Norma Cruz's Fundación Sobrevivientes, I was impressed not only by the facilities, but by the women and families who graciously shared their stories with me. It was a place of angels, they told me, and I agree. Thelma Aldana and Claudia Paz y Paz each told me about fighting to make Guatemala's 2008 laws against femicide real: they will soon inaugurate a brand new 24-hour court specifically for women survivors. A report Ms. Aldana gave me indicates that 46 percent of all 2011 sentences in Guatemala were issued by these courts. In other words, six judicial bodies produced almost the same number of sentences issued by approximately 100 criminal courts across the country. Attorney General Paz y Paz told me both of challenges -- lack of training for judges and police and scarce resources -- but also of the extraordinary progress she and her team are making in bringing perpetrators to justice.

In Antigua, I met with indigenous women artisans who are literally stitching their future, ending malnutrition and bringing income to their communities with the help of one of our WEAmericas cohort women, Lucrecia González. This kind of economic empowerment is crucial to providing women with opportunities to leave abusive situations.

Of course, like many countries all over the world, Guatemala has a long way to go. There was a harsh reminder of this during the launch of Mujeres Adelante itself -- one of our alumni from the first tranche of the initiative, Helen Rojas, was attacked on her way to the event. And yet, unwilling to be silenced, she stood up and spoke about how committed she is to addressing GBV, and how the training we offered her this past year in the United States has fortified that commitment. Like the Vice President, the former Supreme Court president, and the Attorney General, Rojas is a symbol of Guatemala's women, bound and determined to transform their country for the better. As we look ahead to the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on November 25 and the accompanying 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence, we can take inspiration from the women of Guatemala who are on the frontlines, working tirelessly and selflessly to create a world free from the senseless abuse of women and girls.

Visit for more information on the Office of Global Women's Issues at the U.S. Department of State, follow @S_GWI on Twitter, and visit our Facebook page for more pictures from Ambassador Verveer's travels.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Amy Petrocy recently completed her practicum with Partner for Surgery. She is in her second and final year at Ohio State getting my Masters of Public Health.
She was with us for two months this summer, primarily working with our Targeted Infant Nutrition Program (TINP) and and Cervical Cancer Prevention (CCP) program. In this picture, she cradles a child who was born with severe cleft lip and palate, and who was so malnourished he was was unable to be a candidate for corrective surgery. Thanks to the TINP, he has started to grow ad gain weight, and will be able to get the surgery he needs.  

Monday, August 20, 2012

Latin America lost nearly 260,000 square kilometers (100,000 square miles) of forest — an area larger than the state of Oregon — between 2001 and 2010, finds a new study that is the first to assess both net forest loss and regrowth across the Caribbean, Central and South America. Guatemala is the second to the worst hit (see chart below). 

This disturbing trend can be more closely watched thanks to geo-mapping. Read more at

Friday, August 17, 2012

It is hard for most of us to imagine living a life like this:

Was he born this way? No! This happened when he was innocently helping his Mom hang wet clothes on the rooftop of her employer's house. He hung his on  a live wire by mistake. His skin melted and fused, and the scar tissue resulted in his arm being like this. 

He is lucky to be alive, of course, but unable to do much with his right arm. 

See an "after" picture of this young man at our Launch Party for children's surgery on September 11th in Washington DC, and other "before" and "after" pictures of brave young children. This event is FREE. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

FREE!!!  Spread the word! Ambassador Villagran co-hosts. Join former Peace Corps Volunteers and others who know and love Guatemala, for a launch of a social media campaign to raise money for Maya children ready for surgery. 

Date and Time: Tuesday, September 11, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Location: Busboys & Poets Langston Hughes Room, 14th & V St. NW, Washington, DC.  Please RSVP on Facebook. Spread the word, share it, add it to your profiles!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Millennials in Our Midst

There is not much I can add to this great rant by Scott Gerber  (brought to me by Beth's Blog), except to say, I hear you brother! Partner for Surgery in the US works with college interns from the Washington metropolitan area, and they are the most driven people I have ever seen. I realize my college years were so relaxed in comparison. My heart goes out to them.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

World Bank Promotes Building of Cell Phone Towers in Central America

Environmental degradation is sure to occur with the building of the towers, but don't people deserve to have a way to communicate? 

The World Bank’s private equity investment arm, IFC, is providing US$120mn in financing for Guatemalan mobile infrastructure provider Continental Towers for the building and maintenance of mobile phone towers across Central America, the former said in a release.

Continental Towers was established in Guatemala in 2008 and is the result of an alliance between Terra Towers and investment bank Credit Suisse (NYSE: CS), and has since expanded to Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, and Panama.

According to this article, Continental Towers works to reduce the  cost of leasing towers, which gives smaller companies greater access to facilities, and allows larger companies to expand into remote areas which would otherwise be unprofitable.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Johns Hopkins University ) specializes in innovative ways to solve public health problems in developing countries. Partner for Surgery uses the method they developed for detecting and treating pre-cancerous cervical cancer called Visual Inspection by Acetic Acid or VIA Cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among women in Guatemala.

We are thrilled that Johns Hopkins has received yet another huge donation from NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg.  Since graduating from Johns Hopkins in 1964, Bloomberg has given $800 million to his alma mater. 

Thank you Johns Hopkins for thinking beyond the borders of Maryland, USA, and thank you Mayor Bloomberg for supporting their work.

The picture below shows Ministry of Health nurses in Guatemala learning the VIA method in a week-long training organized by Partner for Surgery. 5,000 women have been screened in just the past few years .....

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How do you reconcile helping people outside of your own country? Our donors where this is the case (as opposed to our Guatemalan donors) have a variety of reasons. For some, children are children, wherever they live. For others who travel a great deal, the world is a global community and we learn and suffer together. Some donate to the places they have visited or have some connection.  And others choose to diversify their donations just like they diversify their investments-- to balance their portfolio.

Whatever your reasoning, thank you for donating to Partner for Surgery. Your donation goes a long way-- our overhead is only 10%. To see our most recent audit and other financial information, go to

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

People sometimes ask us, "Why Guatemala?" Even without the connection our co-founder had to Guatemala (Todd Peterson lived there as a Peace Corps Volunteer), we would find Guatemala compelling. We urge you to visit and see for yourself.  Help us in our work to make all parts of Guatemala livable for its children and future generations. 

If you cannot visit, read the work of Nobel Prize–winning Miguel Ángel Asturias Rosales, be swept away by the poetry of Otto Rene Castillo, or jump into the novel :The Rest is Silence" by Augusto Monterroso. And of course, there is Nobel-prize winning Rigoberta Menchu....

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2012 Program Update

It has been a looooong while since we have posted, but we have been busy:

Targeted Infant Nutrition (for children with cleft lip/palate):  
In 2012 We are expanding the number of infants served, and exploring alternatives to formula--help expressing milk, breast pumps, preparing local foods--and we are training local Midwives in these new methods.  

Challenge Campaign:
The collective challenge we have given ourselves in 2012 is to reach more kids with cleft lip/palate within two days of their birth. The campaign will be rolling out in the next month or two.

Cervical Cancer Prevention:
We have screened 200 women already this year, and continue to train Guatemalan Ministry of Health nurses to detect and treat cervical cancer in its precancerous stages.  We are honored to have been asked to present at a Cervical Cancer Conference in Guatemala this June.

Surgical Missions:
For the first time, in 2012 we will be prepositioning surgical supplies for the use of US, and Guatemalan, volunteer doctors.  Securing and storing supplies is expensive, but more doctors will be able to volunteer as a result.

Patient records:
We have developed a system for quick retrieval of patient records.  It was challenging when so many languages (English, Spanish, Mayan). We will be able to share records with local clinics.

Mobile Medical Missions:
We have already had three missions to remote areas in 2012, and helped 500+ people. 

Thank you, all volunteers!