Monday, July 30, 2012

FREE!!!  Spread the word! Ambassador Villagran co-hosts. Join former Peace Corps Volunteers and others who know and love Guatemala, for a launch of a social media campaign to raise money for Maya children ready for surgery. 

Date and Time: Tuesday, September 11, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Location: Busboys & Poets Langston Hughes Room, 14th & V St. NW, Washington, DC.  Please RSVP on Facebook. Spread the word, share it, add it to your profiles!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Millennials in Our Midst

There is not much I can add to this great rant by Scott Gerber  (brought to me by Beth's Blog), except to say, I hear you brother! Partner for Surgery in the US works with college interns from the Washington metropolitan area, and they are the most driven people I have ever seen. I realize my college years were so relaxed in comparison. My heart goes out to them.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

World Bank Promotes Building of Cell Phone Towers in Central America

Environmental degradation is sure to occur with the building of the towers, but don't people deserve to have a way to communicate? 

The World Bank’s private equity investment arm, IFC, is providing US$120mn in financing for Guatemalan mobile infrastructure provider Continental Towers for the building and maintenance of mobile phone towers across Central America, the former said in a release.

Continental Towers was established in Guatemala in 2008 and is the result of an alliance between Terra Towers and investment bank Credit Suisse (NYSE: CS), and has since expanded to Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, and Panama.

According to this article, Continental Towers works to reduce the  cost of leasing towers, which gives smaller companies greater access to facilities, and allows larger companies to expand into remote areas which would otherwise be unprofitable.