Amy Petrocy recently completed her practicum with Partner for Surgery. She is in her second and final year at Ohio State getting my Masters of Public Health.
She was with us for two months this summer, primarily working with our Targeted Infant Nutrition Program (TINP) and and Cervical Cancer Prevention (CCP) program. In this picture, she cradles a child who was born with severe cleft lip and palate, and who was so malnourished he was was unable to be a candidate for corrective surgery. Thanks to the TINP, he has started to grow ad gain weight, and will be able to get the surgery he needs.
It is hard for most of us to imagine living a life like this:
Was he born this way? No! This happened when he was innocently helping his Mom hang wet clothes on the rooftop of her employer's house. He hung his on a live wire by mistake. His skin melted and fused, and the scar tissue resulted in his arm being like this.
He is lucky to be alive, of course, but unable to do much with his right arm.
See an "after" picture of this young man at our Launch Party for children's surgery on September 11th in Washington DC, and other "before" and "after" pictures of brave young children. This event is FREE.